What should I bring to camp?
What Should Not be brought to camp
You can pay online when you register, or you can pay in person via
If you register your camp before June 15, you receive $20 off each camper's registration.
Our "Lamp Lighter" program is an opportunity for camper's to essentially "memorize" their way to camp! By memorizing a select number of verses and reciting them from memory to one of the designated listeners, you can earn a free trip to camp for yourself or for a friend! More details of the lamp lighter program can be found at the very bottom of this webpage, and there is a tab that says "lamplighters" - there you can find the rest of the information you need to earn a free trip to camp this summer!
Our camp phone number is (780) 524-3198 and it is active during the camp season (July-Mid August). The camp also has an email that can be reached out to all year (however, you can expect response times to be longer in the offseason), you can reach out to us via email at admin@sturgeonlakebiblecamp.com.
We maintain a high standard of modesty, please take note of the following excerpts from our standards of dress & conduct.
The dress code applies at all camp locations except the cabins and otherwise specified locations.